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Who, What, When, Where, and Prayer?

Here is the 441 on what I am doing in England!

Who am I working for?

-Tees Valley Youth for Christ (TVYFC)- This is an organization located in Tees Valley England (see picture). Which is in North West England- right below Scotland. If you want to know more about TVYFC I added a video link.

What will I be doing?

-Me and 4 other students will be partnered with a church and our focus will be with the youth in that church and in the community, planning events and doing all we can to reach the youth in that area. We even get to go into the England public schools to share our faith and the love of Christ with students there because they have a mandatory religious hour!

When will I be going?

-I am leaving on August 27- aka Thursday (I probably should start packing) and I will be there for a total of 11 months. I get 2 weeks off for Christmas!

Where will I be serving?

-I have been placed in the town of Billingham, where I will be working with New Life Church and the City Council.

***How can you help support me?***

-The main reason for me making this blog is to update my friends and family about my life so that they know what is going on and know how to specifically pray for me. If you could pray for me that would be amazing. I am going to a foreign country where I don't really know anyone.. yes it's England but it's still different... and it is estimated that only about 5% of the Teeside Valley know Christ.

Prayer Requests

1. For Safe Travel (I leave Aug. 27th)

2. For TVYFC Gap Year Workers- “there are over 40 students working in the Tees Valley through this program i will be with, pray for the holy spirit to work through us”3. For the Tees Valley Youth- that their hearts will be open to hearing the gospel

4. Specifically for me: My prayer right now is Isaiah 50:4

Dear Sovereign Lord, give me an instructed tounge, so that I can know and share the words that sustains the weary. Waken me morning by morning, Waken my ear to listen like the one being taught. Amen

Thank you for reading this and thank you for praying with me -Hebrews 12:1

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